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hopefully a revival...

...of the blog and of Queen Village. Just a few words about the activity around me. Two stores that have been vacant since I moved to Queen Village nearly a year ago, are opening with new tenants. One, at 3rd and Christian, boasts a sign that promises a deli and market. It's a handmade sign so I am optimistic for an independent store. Not an unreasonable assumption, right? Another store front at 4th and Catharine - previously a paint store - will become a fabric shop. Hooray for that...since at least 4 closed in the past year.
Could this be a sign that the ecomomy is perhaps beginning to look a little more robust? In addition, two beautiful brick homes, formerly in disrepair, are undergoing some serious renovation across from Mario Lanzo park. I am feeling good about the investments being made in the area.
I will keep you updated on the two new businesses and then it will be up to us to become loyal customers. You can count on me to be there. I hope you will join me.
News on the personal front. I am planning to take an early retirement in June from my long stint as a teacher. I have much to say about the state of education...from the trenches...but I will leave that until after retirement. The safer alternative. In the meantime, I will cheer my students on to be the best they can be, to learn about everything and have integrity. It's the best I can do, but I fear I am fighting a losing battle to..... well, as I said, that can wait.
However, the best part about the retirement is getting back to blogging, walking the city and letting you know who's out there trying to make a go of it, writing, bookbinding, photography, and...oh, lovely...reading again.

best wishes....I fear I write this to an absentee readership...

Robbin (this feels good!)